29 dic MAISON MK. Cocina creativa
MAISON MK, una experiencia culinaria en la medina.
Maison MK ,Cocina creativa-fusión. Platos franceses y marroquíes.
“Refinado y muy, muy de moda, fusiona la tradición de la cocina marroquí con la cocina francesa moderna.
Al mediodía, se sirve el almuerzo en la terraza (15 euros aproximadamente) con propuestas como el salmón ahumado, brochetas marinadas, salmonetes o la menta pannacotta.
Sin embargo, lo que realmente vale la pena en Maison MK tomar el menú degustación al caer la noche.
El festín incluye aperitivos, crema de brócoli con queso azul, pollo con almendras acompañado de ensalada con huevos de codorniz, puré de calabaza y salsa de albaricoque, confite de pierna de pato con frutos secos, patatas, zanahorias y salsa de foie gras crujiente, menta helado y de zanahoria y tarta de manzana con helado de vainilla y sirope de caramelo. su precio? 55 euros por persona. Debe reservarse con antelación pues los fines de semana, sin reserva, es dificil encontrar mesa.
Su terraza en la parte superior de la edificio, no permite la entrada a más de 10 clientes por noche “. (by)
I booked in Maison MK this weeks beforehand by email as a Christmas present for my husband and it was even better than expected.
The terrace is a really lovely experience -best views we have seen so far. Lovely blankets offered for the light chill air. Tasty canapés that set the evening off to a great start. Throughout the evening we had tantalising tastes and wonderful textures. The MK service is impeccable but warm and friendly. The Riad itself is beautiful and very tastefully decorated.
From start to finish it really was a wonderful evening and experience.
I thought it was very good value for money given the variety and quality of food,setting , service and overall experience. I would highly recommend to anyone coming to marrakesh to spend an evening here and create a wonderful memory for themselves”. Visited January 2016
As an aside – the dining room looks like its setup for human sacrifice a la “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” with a bizarre shaped pool, oversized rubber duck (admittedly this wasn’t in the film) a fiery Alter and a small waterfall setup. We left before any Human Sacrifices were carried out – but felt sure this is where the evening was heading. Visited January 2016
“Fantastic service and had made up for a Christmas dinner away from home”We were visiting Marrakech over Christmas, picked what was a highly rated restaurant but I am a sceptic when it comes to places that are awarded the best place as they never seem to live up to expectation. From the time we arrived the manageress was very charming and made sure we had our needs catered to.The roof terrace was very lovely but once you’ve seen one roof top terrace in Marrakech you’ve almost seen them all. The Maison MK service was exceptional ,and the waiting staff are very helpful. We dined from the sample menu and the food was good particularly the cauliflower and saffron veloute. All round pleasant experience, next time I am in Marrakech will certainly stop by for afternoon tea”.
- 14 Derb Sebaai , L’ksour, Marrakech medina.
- +212 524 37 61 73
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